Monday, April 18, 2005

Taylor Lautner With Braces On

friends, many things, first of all:

1) I was very disappointed because the girls had to work with me (was a demo), they did bad, it was horrible, I and everything was so embarrassed by the irresponsibility, so we had to scold seriously, I do not know if I crossed the line, because when I was saying that to a girl who gets to mourn!, I do not know what to do and I felt guilty, let's blame, and suggested a solution to stop mourn, but then I thought it was only made to move, that girl is used to send people and she does what she wants as long as you obey, to resist began to sob, and I felt bad to me.
Although I say that although he began to mourn, it was that he was ill, for their irresponsibility is not the tears away, not even the excuse by any means that it was impossible to make the part you played, being that SHE chose her.

However, the most valuable lesson I learned today is: broken
Seeing what these girls were the work of English change something in my mind.
I was now making the task of history, when I found out how well I feel myself that I turned to the other and the task units. do not know how valuable it is a responsible person, if they are, never change, because simpre will have a place where they want.


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