Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are There Detachable Wheels For Backpacks

and memes invade the world ... New

and I trauma with memes, because, not ... I take a little leisure time I have 8D and amuse me, yay!
I'll search some more out there, if they can recommend

* AAA * Remove a lot of lj of [info] aquaabella , although she does not know, but I give the credits
♥ They are all tagged them to do so, * A * but that if ...

IMPORTANT: Fully PROHIBITED read the memo before you write 12 names on a paper of our artists / characters / fandom 's / etc favorite, it would lose the mystery that involves discovering the truth (?) NO A TRAPS not to spam (?)

Instructions: Write 12 of your characters (if you're strictly a fan of anime) / favorite celebrities. Enumerates the list. Now, you click the cut for some random questions (do not see the questions prior to the list because it would ruin)

My list {}

1 - EunHyuk

2 - Donghae

3 - YeSung

4 - Sungmin

5 - Kyuhyun

6 - Kangin

7 - Taemin

8 - DongHo

9 - Key / Kim KiBum

10 - KiSeop

11 - SungJong

12 - WooHyun


1. Have you read a fic of 6 / 11? Would you read it? {Kangin / Sungjong}

No, I do not think there is that remote nisiqueira couple in this cruel reality, & not know if I would read that ... LOL I feel sungjong is too adorable to Kangin, but not ... KangMin would be like a sweet, but if it appears before me this opportunity, I think I read xd

2. Do you think 4 is hot? How much? } {Sungmin Sexy

... it is, but I see more adorable, is that why I love minnie, so I started to look for that reason it is so adorable do not forget to look at it spellbound, or you want to hug ♥ but I can not deny that it is also sexy-thumbs up-

3. What if a pregnant 12 8? {Woohyun / Dongho}

First ... a pregnant man? LOL this is wrong e-e (?) DongHo Second ... OMG !!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡ Nononono, my baby NOOOOO, AAAA, (?) Although it would happen in an alternate reality to our own, but noo, I can not be e_e WooHyun impregnate Hoya! -The kick by local

4 . Can you recall a fic about 9? {Key / Kim Kibum}
Well ... almost never read fics that is not Super Junior, but only read a fic JongKey in my life until I have it saved (it passed me by msn, stating e_e ( ?)), and I liked it, but never looked something like-traumatized (?) -

5. Would you do 2 and 6 a good couple? {Donghae / Kangin}

. _. I think not. First I never saw it that way XD, did not see that someone has seen that way (?) Do not know if it would make a good couple or not, but for my taste XD would not

6. "5 / 9 or 5 / 10? Why? {Kyuhyun / Key or Kyuhyun / Kiseop}

KyuHyun / Kiseop; It reminds me KyuMin point 8D (?) Okay, no, is that KiSeop is too cute and reminds me ♥ to Sungmin, not because LOL but taking the fantasy to see the sexy KyuHyun Key, I think I prefer to see something lovely as KyuHyun & Kiseop-know, who understands me xD-

7. What would happen if 7 is 2 and 12 having sex? {Taemin - Donghae / Woohyun}

Tae I do not run your eyes & cry like fangirl * AAA *

In my expression of how I see Tae talking about sex, I think

a) faint

b) runs

c) joins and meets my fancy (?)

Although I have more faith in the a), which is much more likely, perhaps also blushes and starts to laugh or tape face as she shamefully Tae, I so love you ♥

8. Make a summary for a fic of 3 / 9 {Yesung / Key}

"They say that Super Junior & SHINee take pretty good, but not only because both groups of the same company ... YeSung and Key you can AFIM "

" lol?

9. Is there a "fluff" between 1 / 8? {Eunhyuk / Dongho}

I know that if there was this couple (and if canon) which would be more fluff, dose of sweetness and diabetes sessions, is they are both beautiful things ( Eunhyuk pulling aside that is a machine to produce large liters of slime, altered hormones, and much much cry fangirleo)

10. Suggest a title for a fic pain / comfort of 7 / 12 {Taemin / Woohyun}

Ya, here is me standing, because I killed a lot of time thinking about thinking about a cursed fic title, because I am sooo bad for them e_e

Mirror ... no, I was just listening to that song & it occurred to me yay

11. What kind of plot that would use if you wanted 4 to deflower 1? {Sungmin / Eunhyuk}

deflowering "Sungmin Eunhyuk? "Sungmin Eunhyuk remain passive and active? "LOL? Ah, I think I pee with laughter Voya .____.

"Eunhyuk, show me some dance steps at night (?) "WTF!? XDDDD I die

12. Does anyone in your f-list read 7 slash? Taemin} {

not, but I guess if

LOL 13. Does anyone in your f-list read 3-hetero? Yesung} {

can not ensure that
14. Does anyone in your f-list write / draw of 11? SungJong} {

not believe it, someone here (besides you unnie e_e) meets Infinite? LOL

15. Does anyone in your f-list write 2/4/5? {Donghae / Sungmin / Kyuhyun}

No idea, but we want to do it would be willing to read this amorphous thing to do * A *

16. What scream 10 at the time of passion? Kiseop} {

would cry at the moment of passion? LOL Maybe putearia would have to order because after all, say for your blood type (?) Okay, maybe I callus-w-

17. If you wrote a songfic about 8, what song would you use? Dongho} {

Milk Caramel, Ghei was so when I sing that song to me life thus under
18. 01/06/1912 If you wrote a fic, what would the warnings? {Eunhyuk / Kangin / Woohyun}

"Not for people with heart or under 20 (?)"

really, what if three of them were in a locked room? I do not imagine it-baba-

19. What would be a good pick up line for 2 use with 10? {Donghae / Kiseop}

If I only knew that it is "pick up line" LOL when I know, the editare e_e

20. When was the last time you read a fic of 5? Kyuhyun} {

Umm, I can not remember, I think the last thing I read was a fiction KyuHyuk kyuhyunnie, so imagine how volo imagination * A *

21. What is the super secret perversion of 6? Kangin} {

LOL "? I can think of so many, I know you want to do more things forbidden to the leader-jojojo-Kangin's mind after returning from the army full of men ... I know it will not be healthy ~

22. "11 lie with 9? "Sober or drunk? { Sungjong / Key}

I think drunk bueh, if key forces him to drink because this guy LOL is more shy than the pigeons e_e

23. If 3 and 7 are together, who is seme? { Yesung / Taemin}

must answer e-é Yesung by "various / obvious" reasons;

24. How would you feel if 7 / 8 was canon? Taemin {/} Dongho


canon? Loool me ~ my two makno mueroooo fee would be so * A * though to be the seme would have to think the two are too adorable, but I think he wins DongHo manhood (?) to Taemin, I think e_e

25. 1 and 9 have a happy relationship until 9 runs off with 4. 1, broken, spends a wild night with 11, and a brief unhappy affair with 12. Then follows the wise advice of 5 and finds his true love in 3.

EunHyuk and Key have a happy relationship until Key flees with Sungmin. Eunhyuk, shredded, spends a wild night with Sungjong, and a brief unhappy affair with Woohyun. Then, follow the advice of Kyuhyun and finds his true love Yesung.

That final amorphous .___. LOL first Eunhyuk and Key "in a happy relationship? Eunhyuk ♥ Sungjong die with a wild night and then Woohyun, but that's affair, but no matter sepsis and ♥ is cute! Follow the advice of Kyuhyun? x''ddddd mueeeeroo! And the final kill me xddd YeHyuk RLZ ♥ (?)

25th. What title would you give this fic?

"Amorfo cubed" (?)

26. Name three people on your f-list that could read, and a person who should write it.

No, I know nobody will read xdd because I did not write or pay me LOL because

and animaríaa write ... someone write that thing?


& yah, for putting this cute its great and cost me TOO-é DDD:


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