gourmet gourmet see the channel on Saturday morning is one of the most entertaining things , Weno at least it was with the brand: D, qe? .. porqe Friday was the thing naty, and everything was so exciting .. but first I will tell my whole day was pretty looong qe, first get to school so dead-faced, and try to look well with the loose, 5 minutes before the test, so then type 8:50 am and was free then emm .. aa yeah .. estuviemos weando a good time on the street .. xd i do naa then went to the mall, until about 11:30? something, then come to my house and I qe out, hopefully I changed clothes and went out, and go for what had happened .. qe osea me back almost the same way, if you go up outside the mall k9, after lunch, so very early, and went to Providence to seek the order qe had made the mark, there some problems but in the end went well, so heat was shit type 2 pm duuh!, then after we left it and went home pa denuevo, and returned a short time step out, we arrived and we had to fix all pa qe when naty arrived, and so inflating balloons and fly .. pta qe were hard wm xd xd gave my lungs ... cerpentinas then ... k9 is tangled but still qedaron good (y) .. qe had then bring the cpu to the living room .. connecting to data pa .. Webe there other more .. qlo data not grab the information from the cpu .. Web-IO for about an hour there ... qe to give up and took too denuevo .. and brought the TV XD ... wm qlo but the data could not win me .. So we do there in the room .. try it work .. and voila XD just call us and we qedaban like 5 minutes to get pa .. denuevo changing and there too .. TV out denuevo pa .. and bringing the CPU and the data k9 .. at least it worked .. thanks to my (h) xdd weno right after the video stopped when they reached the pa qe put .. there came and hug and hug .. and we got to see .. wm .. super exciting toos qedamos crying hahah ... mui was turned on the light porqe funny .. and toos with red, watery eyes xDDD weno XD that was the idea then ate what we had gone to get qe ee .. xd
was exquisite and pure then .. bla bla even as the 1 xd but it was a good day .. weno and we brought to the mark and from there I started to count .. xd see the gourmet channel .. and the discovery home & health ... until about 2 pm .. wnas pta the loose .. and my cage of laughter when offered a fant-shop and she said .. oh wn taking a fant-shop in bed pta qe soi xd hahaha and then we loose more things HAART until 1 denuevo .. more or less .. and hoi ... I woke up early whole at 10:30: o ... sleep shit ... and now here .. estoi as should be studying haha (6) pa QEA little knowing the outcome of the elections, or ... and 6 days pal camp qean weee! xdd